
  • 浏览次数 3567
  • 添加日期 2012-12-20



用途 Usage
1. Liquid-pressure style safety valve is a assistant equipment of the breathing valve (moving disc style), the active pressure of aspi-ration and expiration is higher than breathing valve (moving disc style), as upon once the breathing valve does not work in winter, themoving disc will be frozen, the liquid seal of the liquid-pressure style safety valve can be broken for protecting the oil tank.
2. Liquid-pressure safety valve will be installed in top of oil tank and assorted used with breathing valve.
3. The control pressure: +56mm water column to -50mm water column.
外形尺寸和连接尺寸 Dimensions (mm)
Type Specification Dimensions (mm) Weight
d D D1 D2 n-d1 L H
GYA-80 80 85 185 150 125 4- 18 376 424 38
GYA-100 100 105 205 170 145 4- 18 500 605 42
GYA-150 150 148 260 225 200 8- 18 650 705 66
GYA-200 200 210 315 280 255 8- 18 900 755 97
GYA-250 250 264 370 335 310 12- 18 1,050 885 140